Thank you for selecting the page for giving.
There are a few ways that you can give: prayer for camp, your time and talents, and financially.
Prayer - This is the most important way that you can give.
We need prayer before camp: that God would send the children who need to have a relationship with Him or children who need to be closer to Him; that He will provide the right staff to carry out His will; and that He will provide what is needed to make sure camp is prepared.
We need prayer during camp: asking God to open the hearts of those in attendance; asking that He will keep evil and distraction from the place that we gather; for health and safety; and His perfect weather.
We also need prayer after camp: Pray for those who placed their faith in God to grow and remain strong when facing the trials of this world.
Time and Talents - We are always looking for mature staff members who have put their faith in Christ Jesus to be part of our team so we can hold full camps every year.
Financial giving - God has always provided financially for camp and one way that he does that, is through faithful givers like you. Scanning the code below is one way that you can donate directly to Camp Good News South. If you're not sure about donating digitally, checks can also be sent to our local CEF chapter, just make the check payable to Camp Good News and mail it to 1900 E Morgan Ave, Evansville, IN. 47711.
By scanning the QR code it will auto-fill the notes field and all you will need to do is fill in the amount. All Donations will go either toward scholarships, purchasing food, or the general fund that helps us purchase supplies such as craft items, nurse supplies, replacement toys, and equipment.